ユネスコ「国際連合教育科学文化機関(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization U.N.E.S.C.O.)」は、世界の遺産や文化の保護を目的とした組織です。
2019年度の文化遺産リストには、新たに15の文化的慣行が決定し、東南アジアからはマレーシアのシラットのほかに、インドネシアの格闘技「Pencak Silat」、伝統的なタイ式マッサージ「Nuad Thai」が登録されました。
- Traditions of Pencak Silat, Indonesia
- Provision of services and hospitality during the Arba’in visitation, Iraq
- Irish harping, Ireland
- Celestinian forgiveness celebration, Italy
- Ak-kalpak craftsmanship, traditional knowledge and skills in making and wearing Kyrgyz men’s headwear, Kyrgyzstan
- Silat, Malaysia
- Kwagh-Hir theatrical performance, Nigeria
- Practice of traditional music and dance in Setesdal, playing, dancing and singing (stev/stevjing), Norway
- ‘Hatajo de Negritos’ and ‘Hatajo de Pallitas’ from the Peruvian south-central coastline, Peru
- Winter festivities, Carnival of Podence, Portugal
- ‘Ie Samoa, fine mat and its cultural value, Samoa
- Drotárstvo, wire craft and art, Slovakia
- Holy Week processions in Mendrisio, Switzerland
- Practices and craftsmanship associated with the Damascene rose in Al-Mrah, Syrian Arab Republic
- Nuad Thai, traditional Thai massage, Thailand